Which Way?

Have you ever come to a life-crossroads and not known which way to go? It's a common human experience, and one we also experience in the spiritual realm. Our passage on Sunday (Luke 16.19-31) helped us to see that direction is provided by God's word and people He puts into our lives. We've all got stories of the right person speaking the right words at just the right time. Thanks to God for providing. 

The rich man had the scriptures and he had the presence of the beggar Lazarus beside his gate. Neither were enough for him to wake from his spiritual stupor, but he had no excuse. As Hunter says in 'Interpreting the parables', 

“If a man… Cannot be humane with the Old Testament in his hand and Lazarus on his doorstep, nothing-neither a visitant from the other world nor a revelation of the horrors of hell-will teach him otherwise. Such requests for signs are pure evasions.” 

Let's be sure to keep our spiritual ears and eyes attentive to the scriptures and people God guides into our path.

This coming Sunday we look at Luke 17.1-10 - a collection of sayings connected by the theme of faith. See what you make of it. In particular, what do you think of the challenge to forgive the same person seven times?

In other news (as they say), there is a London service on 19 Feb.  In addition, we're making plans for a special outdoor service on Joe's allotment - probably in early April! 

See you on Sunday,
