Church lunch

As we always do on the last Sunday of every month, we will be having lunch together at church this week.  Appropriately, the sermon includes a reference to a wedding banquet. No one is getting married as far as I am aware, but hopefully we will have the same sense of celebration as we feast together. Perhaps Penny will bring some more of her home-grown lettuce!

The women are meeting on Wednesday this week. The following Wednesday is the fifth Wednesday of the month, and consequently they will be no midweek meeting.  

I'm delighted to confirm that both Stefan Wolmerans and Andrew Agerbak have agreed to come and be visiting speakers for us between now and the end of the year. I will let you know when the specific dates are clear. 

An important date for your diary is 18 September. That will be our special 'forest' service organized by Joe, up at Ashridge. More details soon. 

See you on Sunday if not before.



Back from the picnic

It was a special day last Sunday, joining the Northwest region of the London church in Cassiobury park for our church service and picnic. Lots of people were playing games and various sports as well. Looks like we had a little bit of Olympic fever! From the feedback I heard we ought to do it again next year. Let me know what you liked about it, and what we could do better for next time.

This Sunday we are back in Laurence Haines school, 10:30 AM. The sermon will be combined with the communion, and will focus on Luke 12:22–34. So much rich material on faith, trust, anxiety, treasure, and much more. 

The Autumn sees us planning for a family service, and an outdoor "forest" service. More on that soon. Until Sunday, I hope you have a wonderful day.

God bless, Malcolm



It was a delight to have Danny speak to us on Sunday. He did a marvellous job helping us to understand the dangers of hypocrisy, and the comforting strength God gives to help us with these challenges. 

It was also a joy to welcome Chris Birtles who joined us for the service on Sunday from our sister church in Thames Valley.  later in the afternoon he went to the community shield match at Wembley. Clearly, his presence with us made a difference, since he is a Man U fan, and they were victorious!

This coming Wednesday the women are meeting, and Oge is teaching the lesson.  The passage involved is Luke 11.37–54.

This coming Sunday 14 August, we are having a joint service with the Northwest region of the London church. Our venue is Cassiobury Park. The service time is 11 AM. The best way to find the exact location will be to go to the carpark. You will see ushers and signs from there. Please bring a picnic, and if you have a gazebo you are welcome to bring that. We have permission from the council to put up gazebos in case of rain, or too much sunshine!

See you there! 

God bless, Malcolm



Let there be light!

Without light we cannot see. God created light, and has always been bringing light to humankind. Jesus himself was the light of the world. But what is the quality of the light within us? If we're not well-lit spiritually we can never be filled with an enduring spiritual spark. Last Sunday we learned how to let the light in, what gets in the way of the light, and how to keep the light shining brightly into us. Of course, when this happens, then the light also shines brightly from us into this dark world. This is our hope. That Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Buckinghamshire will be filled with the light of Christ. Did you take your t light home on Sunday? Has it been helpful in focusing your prayers? Leave a comment below about what you find most helpful in keeping the light bright.

The men met on Wednesday to discuss the last part of Luke chapter 11. The women will meet to look at the same text next Wednesday. 

This Sunday 7th August, Danny Makinson will be preaching from the first 12 verses of Luke chapter 12.  Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares this lesson for us. 

The following Sunday, 14th August, we will be joining the Northwest region of the London church in Cassiobury Park for an outdoor church service and picnic. Starting time, 11 AM. Offer up a prayer for good weather! 

I hope you have a wonderful week. God bless, Malcolm


Who is the greatest?


Who is or was the greatest? Perhaps Ali was the greatest boxer ever, but it depends on your point of view. On Sunday we took a look at Jonah, Solomon and Jesus. Jesus was not just a prophet he was the Messiah. He was not just a wise king, he was the king of kings and wisdom enfleshed. You can see the sermon on our YouTube channel. 

It was especially encouraging for Penny and I to have relatives with us at church. It was also lovely to see Bode and Lola from the NW – good to see old friends! 

This week the women meet on Wednesday, and Lisa Cronje will be delivering the lesson. 

On Sunday we will be back at Laurance Haines school, 10.30am. We are focusing on Luke 11:33 to 36 this week. And since it is the final Sunday in the month, we will be having a meal together after church.

I hope you have a super week, and God bless. Malcolm

There might be nothing more fundamental to the Christian faith then praying the Lord's prayer. We looked at this deep but practical teaching last Sunday. Do we include the Lord's prayer enough in our personal devotional time, and when praying together? If you've not had a chance yet, please go to the YouTube channel and watch or listen to the sermon. Let's make sure we put Jesus' teaching on prayer into practice this week. 

Yesterday the men met to consider the next part of Luke's Gospel. The weather was kind and we enjoyed singing, praying and discussing Luke 11.14-28 on the grass in Cassiobury Park.  The women will look at the same passage next Wednesday.

This coming Sunday we will be talking about Jonah, Nineveh, the Queen of the South, Solomon and "something greater ".  Here is the passage: 

Luke 11:29 As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.

Luke 11:30 For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.

Luke 11:31 The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the people of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom; and now something greater than Solomon is here.

Luke 11:32 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and now something greater than Jonah is here.

What questions do you have about this passage? Please leave a comment here, or email me, 

I hope you have a great week, and look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. God bless, Malcolm


We are back in Watford

Last Sunday we weren't in Watford. Some of us were in central London, others were camping and others were out in the country having church in a park. 

This week we are all back together in Lawrence Haynes school at 10:30 AM. Our focus this Sunday is prayer, and the God to whom we pray. The main passage is Luke chapter 11 vv 1 to 13.  Please read it and pray over it (!) before Sunday.  If you have any questions about the text please email me,

This week's midweek meeting is for the women, and Chantil is teaching. Please pray for her as she moves house this week. We all know how stressful that can be. Paul and Joe are also in the process of moving house, so pray for them too. 

Have a wonderful week, God bless, Malcolm


The one thing


Thank you to everyone who made last Sunday go so well. We had a first last week, when we broke for cups of tea and coffee halfway through the sermon. Seemed like a popular innovation - perhaps we'll try it again! 

This week the men meet on Wednesday, and will be looking at Luke chapter 10 and the time when Jesus came to visit Mary and Martha. Our key question-what is the "one thing" that is needed?

Please keep Joe in your prayers as he attempts the three peaks challenge with the ODAAT guys. 

Next Sunday 10 July we are not in Watford. It's a London service at Logan Hall near Russell Square. We'll all be back together again in Watford the following Sunday, 17 July.  

See you then, and God bless for now, Malcolm

Father's Day Sunday

Thank you to everyone who made last Sunday's service so special. It was very encouraging to be able to celebrate Fathers' day together. We hope all the dads felt special.


And thank you to Joe for hosting the men's meeting last Wednesday. This week the women will meet on  Wednesday in Cassiobury Park. 

On Sunday 26 June, we are in for a treat. Charl Olivier will be preaching on Luke chapter 10 verses 1-24. Please pray for him as he prepares his lesson this week. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the missions collection. If you need more information about it check out our Facebook page, or contact Bronwen our treasurer. 

if you didn't get a copy of our church survey, please let me know and I will send you one. Email me at 

Have a wonderful week, Malcolm

Marvellous Missions

Last Sunday was a great encouragement. We looked at Luke chapter 9 and the power of Jesus displayed in casting out Demons.  What an amazing Saviour we follow.

We also joined together in collective grief, having heard the news of the death of Angela Best. Our prayers were offered for the family, and especially Glyne her husband, and Glenroi their son. 

This coming Sunday is our collection for missions in the Indian subcontinent, the United Kingdom and Ireland. More information about how to contribute is on the Facebook page. In the meantime, it's worth reflecting upon the fact that our existence as a church is largely the result of the financial sacrifice of other people. Let's do our part with the resources God has given us, to spread the gospel in parts of the world to which we cannot physically go. 

See you on Sunday, Malcolm


Sunshine Returns

The strange unseasonal weather relented this weekend, and the sun came out on Sunday. Not only that, but Barry Edwards preached his second sermon of the year. It will soon be up on the Watford church YouTube channel, just search for Watford Church of Christ.

The women's meeting this week focuses on Luke chapter 9.18 to 27. Bronwen is teaching the lesson, and as of this moment the venue is up in the air. Keep an eye on your messaging communications for confirmation of the location. 

This coming Sunday we will be looking at the first part of Luke chapter 10 - the sending out of the 72. I will be preaching, so please pray for me as I prepare the lesson this week. If you have any suggestions about this passage, please let me know.

Looking forward to seeing everybody at Laurence Haines school on Sunday.

God bless, Malcolm


Tim Preaches

What a delight it was to have Tim Dannatt with us this last Sunday. "Thank you" so much for coming to speak to us, Tim. It's always refreshing to hear a different voice. The video & audio will be online later today.

Speaking of speakers, this coming Sunday it's the turn of Barry Edwards to preach for us. He'll be speaking from Luke 9.28-36. Please include him in your prayers this week as he prepares this lesson and studies this passage.

On Wednesday it's the turn of the men to meet, and we will be looking at Luke 9.18-27. Our venue for that is yet to be decided. Stay tuned for confirmation of that.   

Have a wonderful week, Malcolm


A Visit From Vicki

One of the great joys of the Christian life is to be reunited with friends in the faith. Paul experienced this:

 2Cor. 7:6 "But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus"

God provided us with just such a privilege this last Sunday in Watford. Vicki Jacoby was passing through on her way home to Atlanta. 


Vicki, Penny and I have known each other for over 30 years. We've shared good times, and tough times. And there we were, on Sunday, worshipping together in Watford. Possibly one of the last things we would have expected to do when we first knew each other all those years ago!

God sometimes takes us on unexpected journeys. But he always has somewhere for us to rest and be refreshed. We hope that our church in Watford can always be such a place.

Incidentally, the audio of Sunday's sermon is here:,

Video is below.

The women's meeting this week is on Wednesday and will be led by Kate. The passage is Luke chapter 9: 1 to 9.

God bless, and I hope you have a wonderful week.



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Launch success!

A very special "thank you" to everyone who helped us with our launch service this last Sunday.  We felt very privileged to have so many people come from quite a distance to encourage and support us. 

The children were brave and cute as they sang to us.  Sometimes it's hard to remember how challenging it is to do that in front of so many grown-ups. The food was wonderful, and plentiful. Even the weather was kind to us.

All in all, we have so much to be thankful for.  God has been very kind to us. Please continue to pray as we seek to be all that God wants us to be in the places he has put us.

Finally, it was so kind of the Watford Free Church to send us a card.  I have attached pictures of it, including many of their thoughts and signatures. May God bless them, as they have hoped he will bless us.



Preteen camp booking

Dear All,

The ICCM Preteen Camp is now on line for bookings at

The Early Bird prices are available until midnight Sunday 26 June 2016!

£138 for churches giving the standard subsidy (Belfast, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester & London)

£185 for all other churches. 

Please let me know if your church wishes to charge something different or needs to be added to the £138 group.

PRETEEN CAMP 2016 The Game of LifeTuesday 26 July (from 2pm) to Friday 29 July (2pm)Newland Park, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, HP8 4AD
Running a race is like a journey through life because…you get to explore a range of different paths and directions.The preteens experience the biggest time of change in their adolescent years. They face a life that is like a race with its challenges as they emerge from adolescence and move toward adulthood. Winning a race requires purpose and discipline. As the world competes for the hearts of our children, we hope that this year’s camp will help the preteens explore how to reflect Christ's character in the face of worldly pressure.The goal of the camp is to help them live a life that will bring them closer to God. Understand the importance of following God. He is the only prize worth chasing in this life and the reward is eternal life.At the camp, the preteens will also experience Christ centred activities through Bible lessons, fun activities, games, daily devotionals and worship services.

Teen Camp will be online soon.  There is also a "save the date" article on the website about both camps which outlines what they are about.  This may be helpful for anyone sending their children for the 1st time.

Warm regards,


Mother and daughter retreat

Dear All,

We are excited to announce the 2016 Mother and Daughter retreat for mums and daughters aged 5-10 years old!

Adventure is out there!  Friday 7th October (from 5pm) to Sunday 9th October (1pm),

Grosvenor Hall, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4AJ

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14: “Be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.”

The emphasis this year will be on living a life of courage and excitement through our faith in God. We will be stretching ourselves with some physical challenges, and growing in our teamwork and love as we encourage and help each other to be victorious.

The ICCM Mother & Daughter (5-10 years) is now on line for bookings at

The sisters completed a survey last year and asked for a different kind of venue and programme.  We have a great new venue, Grosvenor Hall in Kent, however it needs confirmations a lot earlier, please note the deadlines below.

If you have any questions about the programme please contact Sarah Budgett, if you have any questions about the registration and prices please contact me.

The Early Bird prices are available until midnight Sunday 3 July 2016!

Subsidised prices (London & Leicester churches)

£112 Mother and ONE daughter

£167 Mother and TWO daughters

£222 Mother and THREE daughters

Full prices (family, friends, other churches)

£146 Mother and ONE daughter

£218 Mother and TWO daughters

£288 Mother and THREE daughters

Please let me know if your church wishes to charge something different or needs to be added to the subsidised group. 

Warm regards,


Teen camp volunteers

The Teen Camp will be online early next week.  This year's title is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. 

Jack & Shakira are gathering their team of volunteers together.  There is opportunity for old-hands and for new faces.  A link to the application form is below. We are asking that everyone whether old hand or new completes a form, it helps to have everyone's details in one place! Please pass the link it on to anyone who is eager to serve.  There are a limited number of spaces! 
The deadline is Sunday 22 May 2016.

Warm regards, Judie


Dear Church leaders and Preteen Coordinators,

Uwa and Clara Bazuaye are gathering their team of volunteers together for this year's Preteen Camp - The Game of Life.  There is opportunity for old-hands and for new faces.  A link to the application form is below. Please pass it on to anyone who is eager to serve.  There are a limited number of spaces!

The deadline is Sunday 15 May 2016.

Thank you,



Judie VaseyAdministrator - ICC Missions
