Harrow Invasion
First of all, "thank you" to Barry for preaching this last Sunday. We'll remember his story of squatting down to talk to someone who was homeless, and finding it a little hard to straighten up again. He's not the only one among us who might take a while getting back up to a vertical position!
Sunday coming sees a Harrow invasion. Well, a mini-invasion. Our sister-congregation in NW London has no venue this week, so we will have around 10 adults and 8 children from that church with us. Let's be sure to give them a famous Watford welcome! The sermon text on Sunday is Luke 14.15-24.
The men meet on Wednesday to discuss the next part of our R.E.A.C.H. focus - "engage with kindness". See you there, fellas.
Leon will send out details of what's needed by the foodbank in advance of our family Harvest service on 28th October. Look out for that info when it arrives.
The next edition of the "Watford Word" is out in a couple of weeks. Would anyone like to write their testimony up as an article? It would be inspiring to read the way in which God moved to help us become Christians.
Oh, one last thing. The boiler is being replaced at the school. It will take a while to complete the work. We should have heating while the work continues, but come prepared!
God bless,