Preteen camp booking
Dear All,
The ICCM Preteen Camp is now on line for bookings at
The Early Bird prices are available until midnight Sunday 26 June 2016!
£138 for churches giving the standard subsidy (Belfast, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester & London)
£185 for all other churches.
Please let me know if your church wishes to charge something different or needs to be added to the £138 group.
PRETEEN CAMP 2016 The Game of LifeTuesday 26 July (from 2pm) to Friday 29 July (2pm)Newland Park, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, HP8 4AD
Running a race is like a journey through life because…you get to explore a range of different paths and directions.The preteens experience the biggest time of change in their adolescent years. They face a life that is like a race with its challenges as they emerge from adolescence and move toward adulthood. Winning a race requires purpose and discipline. As the world competes for the hearts of our children, we hope that this year’s camp will help the preteens explore how to reflect Christ's character in the face of worldly pressure.The goal of the camp is to help them live a life that will bring them closer to God. Understand the importance of following God. He is the only prize worth chasing in this life and the reward is eternal life.At the camp, the preteens will also experience Christ centred activities through Bible lessons, fun activities, games, daily devotionals and worship services.
Teen Camp will be online soon. There is also a "save the date" article on the website about both camps which outlines what they are about. This may be helpful for anyone sending their children for the 1st time.
Warm regards,