Sunshine Returns
The strange unseasonal weather relented this weekend, and the sun came out on Sunday. Not only that, but Barry Edwards preached his second sermon of the year. It will soon be up on the Watford church YouTube channel, just search for Watford Church of Christ.
The women's meeting this week focuses on Luke chapter 9.18 to 27. Bronwen is teaching the lesson, and as of this moment the venue is up in the air. Keep an eye on your messaging communications for confirmation of the location.
This coming Sunday we will be looking at the first part of Luke chapter 10 - the sending out of the 72. I will be preaching, so please pray for me as I prepare the lesson this week. If you have any suggestions about this passage, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing everybody at Laurence Haines school on Sunday.
God bless, Malcolm