We are back in Watford
Last Sunday we weren't in Watford. Some of us were in central London, others were camping and others were out in the country having church in a park.
This week we are all back together in Lawrence Haynes school at 10:30 AM. Our focus this Sunday is prayer, and the God to whom we pray. The main passage is Luke chapter 11 vv 1 to 13. Please read it and pray over it (!) before Sunday. If you have any questions about the text please email me, mccx@mac.com.
This week's midweek meeting is for the women, and Chantil is teaching. Please pray for her as she moves house this week. We all know how stressful that can be. Paul and Joe are also in the process of moving house, so pray for them too.
Have a wonderful week, God bless, Malcolm