Welcome Back!
It was lovely to have (almost) everyone back from their travels and holidays this Sunday. Our final traveler, Simone, returned to the UK yesterday. We'll see her on Sunday.
As usual, the food was splendid this last Sunday. My personal highlight was Penny's bean lasagna - but then I'm biased! I noticed that my home-made flapjacks all disappeared. I'm gratified, and can be reached at mccx@mac.com for further orders! A huge "thank you" to everyone who contributed food and all the others things that went to make the service so encouraging.
There is no Wednesday meeting this week (5-Wednesday month), and the men will start again next week on 7th September. This Sunday, 4 September, Osagie will be preaching. His text is Luke 12.49-59.
The following Sunday is a 'London' service, and then the 18th Septembner will be our first ever 'forest' service. More details soon.
Until we see each other again, God bless,