Lessons from Lazarus
It goes without saying that last Sunday was a great encouragement to all of us who were there. I am reminded again and again how lucky we are to have one another in this church. The devotion to God's work, the building of His kingdom and the love expressed to one another are testimony to the power of God's Spirit.
This coming Sunday we are at Laurance Haines school (please let's be early to help with set up as usual), and it's the last Sunday of the month with means ..... LUNCH! It also means a combined sermon and communion. The passage we'll be looking at is Luke 16.19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
What are your thoughts on this interesting story? Is it about what to expect in the next life? Could it be a warning about the dangers of wealth? Are there points about the nobility or otherwise of poverty? Does the name "Lazarus" connect with John chapter 11? What might the presence of the Pharisees have to do with it?
For now, I'll leave the topic with this quote from a book:
"[Lazarus]... neither complains about his hard lot on earth, nor gloats over the rich man after death, nor expresses resentment at the latter’s endeavours to have him sent on errands. Throughout he accepts what God sends him." Morris, Leon. Luke: An Introduction and Commentary.
Other news
- The men meet on Wednesday 1st February at the Red House pub, 131 Watford Rd, Croxley Green, WD3 3DX on Wednesday, 7.30pm.
- 'London' singles devo/event 18 February
- The next 'London' service is 19 February
- School of Missions, 10-12 March - 'Exegesis'
Contact me if you would like more details.
God bless, Malcolm