Dan the preacher man
Many thanks to Danny for preaching on Sunday. If you missed it, the sermon audio is here: and the video is here.
Sunday coming is a London service, 10.30AM Logan Hall, off Russell Square (don't forget to love up on your mother, since it's Mothering Sunday!). The following Sunday we are back at Laurance Haynes School for our next Watford Sunday service. The passage for the lesson that day is Luke 18.36-43 - the healing of the blind man in Jericho. If you'd like some more thinking about this passage, check my blog.
Wednesday this week looks like being a spectacular time for the women of the church. The special "pampering" evening is on at the West Watford Free church, Tolpits Lane, 7.30PM.
Let's continue to pray for Simon and his family as they mourn the death of his mother. There is, “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,” (Ecclesiastes 3:4 NIV11)
God bless, Malcolm