Launch success!

A very special "thank you" to everyone who helped us with our launch service this last Sunday.  We felt very privileged to have so many people come from quite a distance to encourage and support us. 

The children were brave and cute as they sang to us.  Sometimes it's hard to remember how challenging it is to do that in front of so many grown-ups. The food was wonderful, and plentiful. Even the weather was kind to us.

All in all, we have so much to be thankful for.  God has been very kind to us. Please continue to pray as we seek to be all that God wants us to be in the places he has put us.

Finally, it was so kind of the Watford Free Church to send us a card.  I have attached pictures of it, including many of their thoughts and signatures. May God bless them, as they have hoped he will bless us.



Preteen camp booking

Dear All,

The ICCM Preteen Camp is now on line for bookings at

The Early Bird prices are available until midnight Sunday 26 June 2016!

£138 for churches giving the standard subsidy (Belfast, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester & London)

£185 for all other churches. 

Please let me know if your church wishes to charge something different or needs to be added to the £138 group.

PRETEEN CAMP 2016 The Game of LifeTuesday 26 July (from 2pm) to Friday 29 July (2pm)Newland Park, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, HP8 4AD
Running a race is like a journey through life because…you get to explore a range of different paths and directions.The preteens experience the biggest time of change in their adolescent years. They face a life that is like a race with its challenges as they emerge from adolescence and move toward adulthood. Winning a race requires purpose and discipline. As the world competes for the hearts of our children, we hope that this year’s camp will help the preteens explore how to reflect Christ's character in the face of worldly pressure.The goal of the camp is to help them live a life that will bring them closer to God. Understand the importance of following God. He is the only prize worth chasing in this life and the reward is eternal life.At the camp, the preteens will also experience Christ centred activities through Bible lessons, fun activities, games, daily devotionals and worship services.

Teen Camp will be online soon.  There is also a "save the date" article on the website about both camps which outlines what they are about.  This may be helpful for anyone sending their children for the 1st time.

Warm regards,


Mother and daughter retreat

Dear All,

We are excited to announce the 2016 Mother and Daughter retreat for mums and daughters aged 5-10 years old!

Adventure is out there!  Friday 7th October (from 5pm) to Sunday 9th October (1pm),

Grosvenor Hall, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4AJ

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14: “Be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.”

The emphasis this year will be on living a life of courage and excitement through our faith in God. We will be stretching ourselves with some physical challenges, and growing in our teamwork and love as we encourage and help each other to be victorious.

The ICCM Mother & Daughter (5-10 years) is now on line for bookings at

The sisters completed a survey last year and asked for a different kind of venue and programme.  We have a great new venue, Grosvenor Hall in Kent, however it needs confirmations a lot earlier, please note the deadlines below.

If you have any questions about the programme please contact Sarah Budgett, if you have any questions about the registration and prices please contact me.

The Early Bird prices are available until midnight Sunday 3 July 2016!

Subsidised prices (London & Leicester churches)

£112 Mother and ONE daughter

£167 Mother and TWO daughters

£222 Mother and THREE daughters

Full prices (family, friends, other churches)

£146 Mother and ONE daughter

£218 Mother and TWO daughters

£288 Mother and THREE daughters

Please let me know if your church wishes to charge something different or needs to be added to the subsidised group. 

Warm regards,


Teen camp volunteers

The Teen Camp will be online early next week.  This year's title is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. 

Jack & Shakira are gathering their team of volunteers together.  There is opportunity for old-hands and for new faces.  A link to the application form is below. We are asking that everyone whether old hand or new completes a form, it helps to have everyone's details in one place! Please pass the link it on to anyone who is eager to serve.  There are a limited number of spaces! 
The deadline is Sunday 22 May 2016.

Warm regards, Judie


Dear Church leaders and Preteen Coordinators,

Uwa and Clara Bazuaye are gathering their team of volunteers together for this year's Preteen Camp - The Game of Life.  There is opportunity for old-hands and for new faces.  A link to the application form is below. Please pass it on to anyone who is eager to serve.  There are a limited number of spaces!

The deadline is Sunday 15 May 2016.

Thank you,



Judie VaseyAdministrator - ICC Missions


Countdown to launch

Almost there! Just a few days to go to our official launch service. 

We are looking forward to celebrating with all of our friends. What will we be celebrating?  We'll be celebrating God's patience, his love, and his work in us, among us and through us.

A service lasting 1 1/2 hours will be followed by lunch. We do hope you can join us. If not, please pray for us.  


Popping in to Central London

This last Sunday's service was a blast!  Lunch was outstanding, and, as usual, Sarah baked the cake of the year.

We'are gearing up for our special official launch service on 8 May. However, we will not be in our usual venue this week coming, 1 May. Instead, we will be joining our sister congregations from around London for a special service at the Institute of Education. Here are some details that will help you find the location if you've not been there before.


Bus stops, within a 5 to 15-minute walk, are located on Euston Road, Gower Street, Tottenham Court Road, Woburn Place and Southampton Row. The closest are on Woburn Place and Southampton Row.

Tube (underground)

Tube stations, within a 5 to 15-minute walk, include: Euston; Euston Square; Goodge Street; Russell Square; Tottenham Court Road and Warren Street.

The closest is Russell Square.


London's principal railway stations are all within a 30-minute journey, by bus or tube.

The closest is Euston.


We don't have a car park. Street parking in the neighbourhood is managed by Camden Council. Private parking is offered by National Car Parks (NCP).


There is a cycle-hire docking station on the east side of our main building, in Bedford Way. It is managed by Transport for London.

Visitors arriving on their own bikes may lock them to the perimeter railing of the concourse, on the west side of our main building.


Communion and Car Trouble

It was lovely to have the Edwards and Dawn back with us from holiday as well as Danny and Mulligan back from the father and son camp.  Not only that, but it was great to see Simon, Patricia & Emma down here all the way from Aylesbury!

Sadly, Leon and Sarah's car broke down as they were on the road to church. Not only were we feeling for them, their children and their car, but we also had a slight concern considering that they had the communion supplies! Thankfully, Barry and Kate were able to go to the rescue, make sure they were okay, and pick up the communion materials.

The good news is that nothing was seriously wrong with the car, and all the family were fine. 

Let's hope we don't have any similar trials for this week's service on Sunday. We'll be looking at the parable of the sower from Luke 8, and enjoying lunch afterwards.  Somehow, talking about sowing, farming, reaping and then eating together seems very appropriate!


We're Flying

Easter holidays combined with the father & son camp, meant our numbers were whittled down this last Sunday. But the spirit was as fulsome as ever! 

A special "thank you" to Osagie for leading the communion despite family illness. 

Our invitation cards have arrived! Now we have something to give away to our friends as a reminder of the event on 8 May. An electronic version is up on our Facebook page: "Thewatfordchurch". Please use it, pass it on, and pray for us.  


The message in the mist

Last Sunday saw Osagie preach his very first sermon in Watford. Thanks so much for serving us in that way. The audio and video will be up on the website soon.

This Wednesday 6 April, the men of the Watford church and their friends will be looking at the passage from Luke chapter 7 verse 18 to 23, where John the Baptist seems to have some doubts about whether Jesus really is the Messiah. His vision has become clouded, misty, a little confused. That can happen to any of us. Why not come and join us as we talk about this, and let's see if we can shine some light on the subject, and dispel the mist.

The meeting begins at 7:30 PM, at my house. Give me a call if you want more details, (07973) 491021, or email me

God bless, Malcolm


Raising the Dead

"Thank you", to everyone who made last Sunday so special. Penny welcomed us with interesting questions about Easter, and edible prizes for the children. Joe helped us to connect with how it might feel to be homeless and needy. And we got to know Mary Magdalen better, and her relationship with the risen Jesus. All this was topped off with an excellent lunch together. We certainly celebrated the Resurrection in style.

This coming Sunday we're at Laurance Haines school as usual, and our preacher for the day is Osagie. He'll be speaking on another resurrection - looking at Luke chapter 7.11-17 and the widow's son. Come and join us if you're free, 10.30am.


Easter is coming

Last Sunday we had a wonderful time together looking at the amazing faith of the centurion in Luke 7. It was a faith that connected with the compassion of Jesus, and led to the healing of a sick servant.  Thank you to everyone who made the discussion so meaningful. 

It seems such a good preparation for this coming Sunday. It's Easter, and we're not celebrating just a healing, but a Resurrection!  Not a prolonged life, but a new life. Not an improvement, but a transformation.

Come and join us this Sunday, if you can. We'll be feasting together - and not just on chocolate!  
