Curious or serious?
Curiosity can be a good thing. Where would we be without the curiosity of scientists, artists, musicians and doctors? However, curiosity is not healthy if it becomes an end in itself. Healthy curiosity leads to discovery which opens the door to decisions.
Last Sunday we saw the difference between curiosity and seriousness from Luke 13.13-22. Our aim as a group of Christians is, although acknowledging we will never be perfect, to maintain and grow in a focus on Jesus. A focus which affects not only what we believe, but how we live.
The church is embarking on a 10-week focus called R.E.A.C.H.. Our primary aim is to pray for our neighbours, colleagues, family and friends that they may have an encounter with God. To begin with we are preparing ourselves and our lives to be the servants that our neighbours need us to be. The men will meet on Wednesday to discuss this and pray together.
This coming Sunday Charl Olivier will be our preacher looking at the last few verses of Luke chapter 13. Please pray for him as he prepares his lesson for us.
See you on Sunday at Laurence Haines School, 10:30 AM as usual.
God bless, Malcolm