Seeds and Yeast
We're so lucky to have talented cooks in our church! "Thank you" to everyone who made and brought delightful dishes on Sunday. I dare say some seeds and yeast were used in one or two of the bowls of food on offer. Quite appropriate considering the sermon theme on Sunday.
The kingdom of heaven is like yeast and a mustard seed. Small is beautiful might be the underlying theme. God starts small with us, and that's the way He likes it. He gets more glory, and we get more joy.
The video of the sermon is here - worth watching if only for my less-than-successful attempt at making a bicarb-vinegar volcano. Oh well, back to the drawing board on that one (or the kitchen sink).
The Makinson, Oliviers and Coxs met on Sunday evening for our latest leadership team meeting. We've finished our review of the first few months of our existence as a church (can it really have gone that fast?) and we'll fill the church in soon on our reflections on the feedback given.
This week the women meet on Wednesday to discuss Luke 13.10-17, and we all reconvene on Sunday at Laurance Haines School for our first service of October - sermon from Luke 13.21-30.
See you there.