The wood from the trees
Well, we've never done that before! Had church in the woods. What a brilliantly refreshing experience it was to take the whole church to Ashridge for a service last Sunday. Special thanks to Joe for putting together some very thought-provoking activities and sharing about God in a way that made us consider him more clearly as the creator of all that we can see in nature.
The initial feedback has been very positive about doing it again. So please keep that feedback coming in, and we'll make a decision about repeating it or not.
This Sunday we are back at Laurence Haines school, 10.30AM. It's a 'food' Sunday, so please bring plates and bowls of whatever you'd like to eat and share. The Luke passage is 13:18–21.
Wednesday night is a men's meeting, Luke 13:10–17.
See you soon, and have a wonderful week. Malcolm