Who is the greatest?
Who is or was the greatest? Perhaps Ali was the greatest boxer ever, but it depends on your point of view. On Sunday we took a look at Jonah, Solomon and Jesus. Jesus was not just a prophet he was the Messiah. He was not just a wise king, he was the king of kings and wisdom enfleshed. You can see the sermon on our YouTube channel.
It was especially encouraging for Penny and I to have relatives with us at church. It was also lovely to see Bode and Lola from the NW – good to see old friends!
This week the women meet on Wednesday, and Lisa Cronje will be delivering the lesson.
On Sunday we will be back at Laurance Haines school, 10.30am. We are focusing on Luke 11:33 to 36 this week. And since it is the final Sunday in the month, we will be having a meal together after church.
I hope you have a super week, and God bless. Malcolm