Let there be light!
Without light we cannot see. God created light, and has always been bringing light to humankind. Jesus himself was the light of the world. But what is the quality of the light within us? If we're not well-lit spiritually we can never be filled with an enduring spiritual spark. Last Sunday we learned how to let the light in, what gets in the way of the light, and how to keep the light shining brightly into us. Of course, when this happens, then the light also shines brightly from us into this dark world. This is our hope. That Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Buckinghamshire will be filled with the light of Christ. Did you take your t light home on Sunday? Has it been helpful in focusing your prayers? Leave a comment below about what you find most helpful in keeping the light bright.
The men met on Wednesday to discuss the last part of Luke chapter 11. The women will meet to look at the same text next Wednesday.
This Sunday 7th August, Danny Makinson will be preaching from the first 12 verses of Luke chapter 12. Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares this lesson for us.
The following Sunday, 14th August, we will be joining the Northwest region of the London church in Cassiobury Park for an outdoor church service and picnic. Starting time, 11 AM. Offer up a prayer for good weather!
I hope you have a wonderful week. God bless, Malcolm